Revolutionizing Hospital Care for Autistic Adolescents

Transforming Autism Care with Custom Telehealth

Embark on a groundbreaking journey with us as we tailor BI’s renowned AssessmentView™ to address a critical gap in hospital care. In partnership with Vanderbilt University Medical Center and a team of leading autism experts, our SBIR project (1R44MH134706 – Transforming Hospitalizations of Autistic Adolescents via a Novel Telehealth Platform) is dedicated to transforming behavioral support to hospitalized teens through our AI-enabled Behavior Support Telehealth System—the first of its kind in the autism treatment industry. Our focus is to support hospitals who are providing autistic teens healthcare services, where our telehealth solution will help remotely-based behavior experts support the hospital staff and teens through their hospitalization, and provide the family with a continuity-of-care option after discharge.

Our Solution

  1. A Just-in-Time virtual Behavior support service for Hospital staff helping autistic teenagers
  2. Patient Behavior assessment services
  3. Transition Planning Support for Family and Attending Physicians

What we’re solving

  • Problem 1: Teens with challenging behaviors are hospitalized longer; it can be unsafe for attending physicians to discharge them
  • Problem 2: Hospitals Turn Away Certain Patients because of lack of Behavior Supports
  • Problem 3: Families don’t pursue their teen’s medical care in hospitals because of challenging behaviors


Our Vision

What Behavior Experts Could Do to Help Hospitalized Teens

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Telehealth-based Systems for Diagnosis, Management and Treatment of Autism Spectrum Disorders: Challenges, Opportunities and Applications

The prevailing system for diagnosis, treatment, and management of Autism Spectrum Disorders (ASDs) in the US-the in-person service delivery-has been unable to address the increase in the demand for services and societal costs for those served, and the unattained societal benefits for those not diagnosed early enough or not offered early and intensive behavioral interventions. The authors discuss new developments in telehealth for diagnostic evaluation and ASD treatment in the US.

Read more: Telehealth-based Systems for Diagnosis- Angjellari-Dajci-Hershey-Dec, 2013-Book Chapter

Psychiatry’s new Generation of Telehealth Solutions

Behavior Imaging’s related research was featured at the annual American Academy of Child and Adolescent Psychiatry (AACAP) meet4 step workflow of BIing on October 27th, 2016 in New York City. CEO Ron Oberleitner presented on the company’s evidence-supported ‘asynchronous telehealth’ applications for diagnosis and treatment for autism spectrum disorder.  See abstract.

This new Clinical Perspectives Session was led by Dr. Kathleen Myers – University of Washington.

Formal publication of Behavior Imaging and other novel telehealth systems presented here will be described in an upcoming publication.