Training Investigators and Expanding Our Apps’ Uses at the AACAP Annual Conference

Ron Oberleitner, CEO of Behavior Imaging Solutions, has been keeping busy attending several conferences this fall, including the 60th Annual Meeting of the American Academy of Child and Adolescent Psychiatry (AACAP) in Orlando, Florida late in October. At the conference, Ron and his team demonstrated our Med smartCapture App for dozens of doctors, researchers, and professionals and we were pleased to discover several new uses for this app. Some talked about its potential as a way doctors could stay connected with international or long-distance practices or research projects while others were interested in how it would help during pharmaceutical clinical trials. Most exciting, Ron and his team also trained investigators of a National Institute of Mental health-backed study on the use of Behavior Connect for another upcoming study using this technology.

Diagnostic Assessment Study

Early Results

Autism Speaks is co-sponsoring the 2nd International Conference on Innovative Technologies for Autism (ITASD 2014), at the Pasteur Institute in Paris, October 3rd and 4th. This year’s conference will focus on developing and using digital tools to improve the lives of people with autism. Invited to talk, Gregory D. Abowd of Georgia Tech, will speak about the pilot evaluation of hardware and software innovations to Behavior Capture and Behavior Connect for diagnostic assessment and its use in the two clinical studies.

Original Study Proposal

This research project will combine the expertise of Behavior Imaging Solutions, Georgia Institute of Technology, and leading diagnostic and behavioral health organizations to make state-of-the-art technical innovations to the Behavior Imaging® telehealth system, and will evaluate the enhanced system in two critical clinical settings affecting Autism Spectrum Disorders.

These technical innovations will significantly improve ease of deployment and Response to Intervention (RTI). The specific aims of the current project are:

(1) To introduce hardware and software innovations to Behavior Capture, with simplified video capture on commodity smartphones and novel interactive features

(2) To optimize clinicians’ workflow with Behavior Connect’s 2.0 telehealth custom modules for (autism) Diagnostic Assessment, and

(3) To conduct two clinical studies to demonstrate how the technology innovations impact clinical decision-making around diagnosing autism.

Study Sites

The first of these studies will be conducted in collaboration with the Autism Research Group at Georgia Tech – and this focus will be on the effectiveness of smartCapture to clinically guide a family remotely to collect and share behavior data in the home.

The second study will be conducted at the Southwest Autism Research & Resource Center (SARRC) in Arizona, and will evaluate the use of the technology to streamline the process of diagnosis for autism using Behavior Images (health-related video captures) recorded by parents in the home.



Doctor-Caregiver Med Management App

Thanks to Autism SpeaksBehavior Imaging Solutions announces the results of its research study funded by an Innovative Small Business grant from evaluating how doctors, patients and caregivers can utilize its Telehealth technology to better monitor the effectiveness of medications prescribed to individuals with autism. The research study involved the development and evaluation of a new mobile device app called Med SmartCapture.

Are you a doctor, patient, or caregiver? Help advance our research by taking this quick survey.

The results showed that caregivers who used the new Med SmartCapture app could avoid expensive and difficult (and therefore often postponed) follow-up appointments with their doctor and, instead, could submit recorded video data via the Behavior Connect platform. The participating doctors found that they could obtain necessary contextual information by requesting appropriate video data from the caregivers via the Behavior Connect online platform and the smartphone app. With such information, the doctors could successfully monitor and subsequently optimize their patient’s medication. Such a process normally involves numerous in- office visits.

Using the Med SmartCapture app, families in the research study were able to maintain a consistent and informative relationship with their prescribing doctor. With such positive results, Med SmartCapture gained the attention of several other professionals, including community medicine and public health professionals such as Uwe Reischl, PhD, MD, who concluded that “the Med SmartCapture technology can revolutionize the way people reach out to access healthcare services. The BIS technology can become a game-changer in telemedicine.”

Dr. Robert L. Hendren, D.O., Vice Chair and Director of the Autism and Neurodevelopment Program the UCSF Benioff Children’s Hospital, was equally impressed by the technology, saying, “I am very excited about what Med SmartCapture will be able to do for patient care and communication between parents, educators and providers so that we are all putting our integrated energies in the same direction to help the kids we are working with.”

Behavior Imaging Solutions provides an online HIPAA-conforming consultation platform (called Behavior Connect) where caregivers and doctors can upload and annotate video data of a child’s behavior, along with other medical records and notes. In this system, videos of behavior can be captured even after the fact thanks to Behavior Imaging’s time-buffering video capturing software. Med SmartCapture is yet another application for this internationally-used technology.

Learn about the Behavior Connect Platform and applications:

– Multiple Problems, One Innovative Solution
– Naturalistic Observational Diagnostic Assessment (NODA)
– Pharmaceutical Clinical Trials
– Clinical Staff Support, Training, Evaluation

USA Today Covers the Diagnostic Assessment Research

USA Today Covers the Diagnostic Assessment study to be initiated at SARRC later in 2013.

P.I. Surveys Special Education Stakeholders in Special Behavior Assessment Workshop

As part of its grant market research activities, PI led a group of education stakeholders (special ed  teachers, services, administrators) to evaluate the uses and importance of Behavior Imaging 2.0, include smartCapture – in their classroom environment. More than 20 educators took part in the evaluation.  Results to be published shortly.


P.I. with Special Educators discussing SmartCapture for Problem Behavior

Related Research to the Diagnostic Assessment phase

HealthDay News is covering research related to diagnosis of autism based on symptoms and other factors.

Age of Autism Diagnosis May Depend on Symptoms: Study

MONDAY, April 15 (HealthDay News) — Specific symptoms influence the age at which children are diagnosed with autism, according to a new study.

Children who displayed only seven of 12 recognized autism symptoms were diagnosed more than four years later on average than kids with all 12 symptoms, researchers found.

“When it comes to the timing of autism identification, the symptoms actually matter quite a bit,” study lead author Matthew Maenner, of the University of Wisconsin, Madison, said in a university news release. read more

May 2nd Discussion with SARRC research 10-2pm

Join us May 2nd @ SARRC’s campus to discuss the progress launch of the Diagnostic Assessment Research Study and the Medication Management Project.Meeting starts at 10:00am until 2:00pm
SARRC Main Campus: 18th Street, Phoenix, AZ

To participate in this forum, please contact the Project P.I. by email at

For more information on SARRC, go to We look forward to your participation!

Behavior Assessment – Using B.I. for ‘Problem Behavior 911′ Service

One of BIS’ current customers, and NIH Research Partner, was featured in Pennsylvania’s newspaper regarding how they’ve been using (Legacy) Behavior Imaging to advise schools to deal more effectively with Problem Behavior.  Using Behavior Imaging for Problem Behavior 911 Service

This current NIH research study will study if smartCapture can make this ’911′ service even better, and can the use of Behavior Imaging 2.0 be generalized to other special education school markets around the country.

San Francisco Chronicle Features Diagnostic Assessment Research

Behavior Imaging Solutions’ research was featured in this recent article, focusing on the current collaboration with nationally renowned autism research and treatment centers, including clinical partners at the Phoenix-based Southwest Autism Research & Resource Center and Atlanta-based Marcus Autism Center, and technology partner, Georgia Institute of Technology. –

NIMH Grant

NIMH awards Behavior Imaging Solutions $2.2 million to study how Behavior Imaging can transform diagnosis and behavior assessments.

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