
Play with Others Category

“Play with Others”  is one of the four categories that need to be recorded in order for a clinician to diagnose your child.

How to Record a “Play with Others” Video

– Record your child playing with a sibling (or with you if no siblings).
– Set up five fun items (toys/books/NO ELECTRONICS).
– Mount camera so both play partners and the toys are in view and the child is facing camera.
– Briefly interact with the child (say his name; direct his attention to sibling; offer a toy- hold it out but don’t give it to him) and then wait for his reaction.
– After a few minutes let the children play. If no sibling, play with the child but let him guide the play.

Family Meal Time Category

“Family Meal Time” is one of the four categories that need to be recorded in order for a clinician to diagnose your child.

How to Record a “Family Meal Time” Video

– Record any family meal time.
– Mount the camera ahead of time.
– Make sure everyone is in the frame and the child is facing the camera.
– Interact with each other like you normally do.
– Interact with the child at least four times (say his name; offer food/drink; ask him to look at something and point to it; look at him and smile, see if he smiles back).
– Other family members should also interact with the child, but do not overdo it (if the child starts to talk/interact, let him guide the interaction).