Entries by developer

Positive Results found in New Case Studies

Meeting the needs of students with significant behavioral concerns is a challenge that is faced by many educational systems today. In order to enhance the support provided to students and their educational teams, CAIU examined Behavior Imaging technology as a means to better serve students with autism and behavior challenges. Two studies were conducted between […]

Recent Research Presentations and Conferences

Behavior Imaging’s main purpose is to develop solutions to facilitate the observational, analytical and collaborative needs of behavior health care and special education professionals. By enabling collaboration and consultation between patients and professionals through the use of video capture and a secure health record, clients like the Department of Defense, State Departments of Education, universities, […]

Active Conference Schedule for 2014 as Clinical Research Results Roll In

Behavior Imaging and our clinical partners have an extremely active 2014 for conference and research presentation events as the results of several clinical studies and clinical evaluation of a new generation of our behavior imaging technology are advancing. Here are some of the conferences and presentations which you can find discussed at length on AutismResearch.org: […]

Upcoming Research Presentations and Conferences

Highlighting the work of researchers from around the world, Behavior Imaging is excited to announce, and take part in the following upcoming presentations and conferences via autism case studies, research, and supporting evidence-based practices for the diagnosis and treatment of individuals with autism spectrum disorders (ASD). ITASD 2014 Paris Conference: Digital Solutions for People with […]

Behavior Imaging Presents at the 12th Annual FEI 2014, The World Leader in Advancing Innovation

Telemedicine and Social Media as Disruptive Solutions for Brain Disorders Ron Oberleitner, founder & Chief Executive Officer of Behavior Imaging Solutions was invited to speak as one of the experts in healthcare technologies innovation at the 12th Annual 2014 Front End of Innovation Conference. As a widely recognized leader in the field of developing solutions […]

Behavior Imaging Upcoming Research Presentations at Child Psychiatry Conference

Behavior Imaging and their clinical research partners have collaborated on a number of upcoming projects in order to provide a better fundamental understanding of telemedicine in autism research, diagnosis, and treatment at this year’s American Academy of Child and Adolescent Psychiatry annual meeting. This year Behavior Imaging will present the following 2014 research papers in […]

Iterative Design of a System to Support Diagnostic Assessments for Autism Using Home Videos

Direct observation remains a gold standard practice in diagnosing ASD. While clinical professionals acknowledge that observing behavior in the natural environment is crucial to obtain an accurate and comprehensive assessment, such observation is currently not feasible to implement into clinical practice on a large scale. The present goal is to iteratively design a system that […]

Behavior Connect™ System Update

As part of our commitment to provide the highest level of service, we have scheduled the following system maintenance to implement additional system capabilities. Improvements: -Batch Uploading (select multiple files to upload at once) -Improved Usability for Error Messages -General Usability and Stability Improvements -Bug fixes Action: Our team will be updating Behavior Connect to […]

Revising Autism Interventions to Meet Demand, Improve Early Care

Summary of “Telehealth-based Systems for Diagnosis, Management and Treatment of Autism Spectrum Disorders: Challenges, Opportunities and Applications,” (2013), Angjellari-Dajci F., Lawless, W. F., Agarwal, N., Oberleitner, R.., Coleman, B., Warsi, S., and Kavoossi, M. In  I. M. Miranda and M. M. Cruz-Cunha eds. Handbook of Research on ICTs for Healthcare and Social Services: Developments and […]