Like an X-Ray for behaviors, a “Behavior Image” provides an internal look for specialists and caregivers to view behaviors anywhere they may occur.
Celebrating over 10 years of innovation in Autism technologies and research.
Bringing the 'Autism Medical Home' to Adults
In an investment to support its future technology research with…
Reminder of why Behavior Imaging IS HERE
(from the CEO) Periodically, I find myself re-visiting wonderful…
Psychiatry's new Generation of Telehealth Solutions
Behavior Imaging's related research was featured at the annual…
Publications List(s) for Behavior Imaging through June 2016
Based on requests from many of our partners who are pursuing…
Adult Applications of Behavior Imaging - A Focus for 2016
While most of Behavior Imaging's 'autism' applications have been…
World Largest Enterprise Partner Renews
This renewal of Behavior Imaging Services (for a record 10 years)…
Recent & Upcoming Events - Fall 2015
Highlighting the work of researchers from around the world, Behavior…
Recent Achievements & Media Coverage
By promoting better health care access while developing solutions…