
How to Set a Buffer Length on Your Video

Buffer-Length allows you to set a certain time-length in which the video will start recording before pressing the record button.
This allows you to capture moments leading up to a child’s reaction to a certain event.

Screen Shot 2017-04-23 at 10.52.51 PM1. On the Recording Screen will be the set time of “1 min” for the buffer-length.
2. Tap on the “1 min” button and a menu will pop up showing the options of zero minutes, one minute, three minutes, and five minutes.
3. Tap on the option you would like:
Three minutes will record the three minutes before you hit the record button.
4. You will see a bar start moving forward, showing that the buffer-length has been set and is recording.
5. Once the buffer-length has finished recording the minutes you chose to capture, it will turn green.

When you press play, your video will continue from the set amount of minutes of the buffer-length.

Best Practices for Recording

Here are a few best practices for recording with Behavior Capture™ on your iPhone, ipad, ipod touch.

  • Try to brighten the room where you are recording, such as opening windows and turning on all the lights.
  • We recommend using a tripod if available. It is ideal to keep the device as stable as possible to help capture the scenario.
  • Using a paired bluetooth remote to trigger capture recordings will stop you from having to fuss with the device.
  • Try to keep distracting noises to a minimum. Loud music, televisions, and outside conversations might make it hard to pick up subtle speech.
  • Keep your device plugged in to make sure the phone does not die during recording or uploading your evidence.
  • Make sure you have enough space on your device for large videos. If you’re recording long videos, you may want to delete unwanted videos and apps from the device. If the device is full, recording will stop or it will prevent a new recording from starting.