Alternate Assessment

Behavior Connect with AssessmentView

AssessmentView™ is a module for Behavior Connect that was specifically designed to meet the stringent requirement of the alternative assessment process, at the local, district, state and consortia levels to address NCLB and state-specific reporting requirements. It enables online, portfolio-based assessment, with electronic data collection, reporting, and scoring, both on a stand-alone basis, or integrated with a 3rd party assessment providers. Since 2009, its been used in thousands of classrooms and hundreds of districts nationally to supervise staff, collect and securely share student progress data, and even to facilitate statewide alternative assessments.

Test Administration

Test administrators use modules to organize and document the alternate assessment requirements for their students and manage portfolio-based assessments. They have immediate access to all the requirements and student information needed to do the assessment, and specific procedures are defined within the system based on the States Assessment plan. The key test administrator features include:

  • Overview of Students and File Organizer
  • Assessment Module and Teacher-guided Evidence Forms
  • Error-Free Indicators and Complete/Incomplete Icons
  • Multiple layers of checks and balances
  • Electronic Uploader(including video, documents, images & digitizing paper docs via Fax)
  • Video Behavior Capture™ for Easy Access to Visual Evidence


Modules allow administrators to manage the scoring process more accurately and effectively than ever. Once evidence is uploaded, test administrators AND remote scorers can organize and annotate data by adding descriptions, collection dates and comments.

  • Work together from remote locations
  • Trained and supervised online
  • Objective/Task Queue provides current task
  • Requirements, rubrics, all evidence collected, and data from the teacher in one place
  • Scoring travel costs reduced or eliminated
  • Inter-rater reliability is ensured


Online admin tools allow the organization’s administrators the control they need to manage and support their staff. All the difficulties you face as the person accountable for a successful assessment begin to disappear when you can see the who, what, where, why, and when of the whole process organized neatly in front of you.

  • Manage the roles of system users and students tracked
  • View/Upload/Organize all assessment data
  • Download and Print Multiple Customized Reports (e.g. IRR, Full Action Log, System Stats, etc…)
  • View author, time, and date where any action occurred


Customizations are available to provide state or district requirements.


As education becomes more complex, there is a need to train teachers and staff on new curriculum, techniques, requirements, and technology. Here are just a few ways to use the system to train:

    • Create a video library of sample best practices
    • Include training and instructional videos, tutorials, demos
    • Teachers will see video of others’ techniques and ideas
    • Multiple scorers can learn from what others annotate and comment
    • Video conference to train and discuss important requirements
    • System stats show insights of users and who may still need training

Case Studies

On June 8, 2010, as part of an International Health Technology Forum held at Boise State University (Boise, ID), Carol Scholz, M.Ed., the Director of Alternate Assessment in the Idaho State Department of Education and the 2008 Idaho Teacher of the Year, discussed the State’s ambitious and nation-leading technology initiative to use Behavior Imaging® to securely collect student progress data from around the State.

Cost Savings

In addition to streamlining the alternate assessment process and increasing accountability throughout the assessment cycle, Behavior Connect provides tremendous cost-savings to state education departments

Scoring Cost Analysis for Hosting

Three Nights of Scoring (Thursday, Friday and Saturday evenings stay over)

Hotel 3 nights $100.00 $ 300.00
Breakfast 3 nights $8.75 $26.25
Lunch 3 nights $9.75 $29.25
Dinner 3 nights $15.00 $45.00
Travel Cost (mileage) 212 miles $ 0.51 $108.12
Total Cost Per Weekend per Scorer $508.62
Total Scoring Population 200
Cost Per Weekend $101,724.00
Total Hosting & Travel Costs Per Scoring Season $610,344.00

Hosting Only Scratches The Surface:

Greater Efficiency

  • Making assessment digital simplifies laborious and cumbersome manual processes.
  • Opportunities for human error are vastly reduced.

Greater Oversight

  • Anytime/anywhere access to the data.
  • Real-time progress tracking at the district, school, and teacher/student levels.

Scoring Time

  • Assessment materials are always just a few mouse clicks away, so that scorers don’t have to fumble through boxes of paper, video tapes, etc.
  • Materials don’t need to be packed, moved, staged, checked and repacked.
  • No manual recording or transfer of scoring data; everything is input directly into the system.

Scoring Hard Costs

  • Eliminate hosting costs associated with centralized scoring (see chart above)
  • Eliminate printing and reproduction costs.
  • Eliminate purchases of accordion binders, labels, dividers and other materials needing to be in the physical form.