IMFAR 2011 Technology Presentation – Behavior Imaging

Whitney, T., Oberleitner, R. (2009)
International Meeting for Autism Research, Annual Conference, San Diego, CA. 2011

Abstract: Behavior Imaging technology is being used to provide remote services to children with autism under a new United States Air Force program. Children of military personnel at military bases, often located in remote or isolated areas, lack access to badly-needed care. Intermountain Center for Autism and Child Development is one of several providers leveraging Behavior Imaging to provide intervention services to military families.

“I can tag the start of the behavior, or the antecedent, the beginning of the behavior, the behavior itself and the outcome – and give the parents feedback immediately.”

– Dr. Tyler Whitney, Intermountain Center for Autism and Child Development

Learn more:   Poster

Development of a Telemedicine Platform for the Management of Children with Autism

Reischl, U., Oberleitner, R. (2009)
Zeitschrift für Nachwuchswissenschaftler (German Journal for Young Researchers) 2009/1(1)

Abstract: Behavior Imaging has undertaken the development of a new video capture and personal electronic health record platform which allows autism families to document their child’s abnormal behavior and share this information confidentially with remotely-located healthcare providers who can then provide each family with guidance regarding their child’s behaviors and health condition.

Learn more:   Full Document

Assessment of Behavior Imaging Technology in the Classroom

Reischl, U., Oberleitner, R., Colby, C., Hamilton, A. (2009) Association for Behavior Analysis International, Annual Conference, Phoenix, AZ. 2009

Abstract: This study assesses the acceptance of the Behavior Imaging technology as a standard tool in classrooms for Functional Behavior Assessment (FBA) administration. It also measures adoption obstacles to implementing Behavior Imaging as an accepted modality for education application.

Learn more:   Poster

Naturalistic Observation Diagnostic Assessment – the NODA Pilot Project

Smith, C., Ober-Reynolds, S., Treulich, K., McIntosh, R., Melmed, R. (2009) International Meeting for Autism Research, Chicago, IL. 2009

Abstract: The NODA poilot project evaluates the effectiveness of Behavior Imaging technology for providing and communicating efficient diagnostic processes for clinicians to administer when assessing patients for Autism Spectrum Disorder.

Learn more:  Poster

Health Informatics: A Roadmap for Autism Knowledge Sharing

Oberleitner, R, Wurtz, R, Popovich, M, Moncher, T, Laxminarayan S, Reischl, U Medical and Care Compunetics – 2, ed: Bos, Laxminarayan, Marsh, June 2005

Abstract: With the prevalence of diagnosed autism on the rise, increased efforts are needed to support surveillance, research, and case management. Challenges to collect, analyze, and share typical and unique patient information and observations are magnified by expanding provider caseloads, delays in treatment and patient office visits, and lack of sharable data. This paper outlines recommended principles and approaches for utilizing state-of-the-art information systems technology and population-based registries to facilitate collection, analysis, and reporting of autism patient data. Such a platform will increase treatment options and registry information to facilitate diagnosis, treatment, and research of this disorder.

Optimizing the Personal Health Record with Special Video Capture for the Treatment of Autism

Oberleitner, R., Elison-Bowers, P., Reischl, U., Ball, J., Journal of Developmental and Physical Disabilities, Springer Netherlands, May, 2007

Abstract: Improved imaging techniques and the increased need for a personal health record platform suggest that a telehealth-based system has an excellent potential for improving patient care and providing a high capacity for information storage and retrieval. New video-capture technology will allow parents, schoolteachers, and caregivers to capture a child’s behavior for subsequent evaluation by specialists worldwide even during a time of crisis. It is clear that telehealth-based systems can shorten the time for diagnosis, potentially increase diagnostic accuracy, reduce costs, and contribute to an improved status of personal health records.

Information Technology and Behavioral Medicine: Impact on Autism Treatment & Research

Oberleitner, R, Laxminarayan, S, Medical and Care Compunetics, IOS Press, June, 2004

Abstract: The rising incidence of autism with limited professional resources has led to more consideration for using information technology and related specialties to link families and professionals, and to implement strategies which implement information technology to improve the outcomes for individuals with autism and their families. These are reviewed in context of the unique health, education, and the research issues facing those dealing with autism.

Asynchronous JavaScript and Variables-based Low Bandwidth Telemedicine Applications

Pharkute S., Laxminarayan S., Oberleitner R.M., Bosworth K., (2006) American Telemedicine Association, Annual Conference, San Diego, CA. 2006

The Potential of a Store and Forward Tele-Behavioral Platform for Effective Treatment and Research of Autism

Oberleitner, R, Laxminarayan, S, Suri, J, IEEE – Engineering in Medicine and Biology Proceedings, Sept, 2004

Abstract: This paper describes the justification and the design principles of a behavioral medicine store & forward telemedicine platform to facilitate the capturing and communication of spontaneous patient behaviors for the improved evaluation, diagnosis and ongoing treatment of people with autism. This tele-behavioral health platform will allow families and other caregivers to readily capture spontaneous patient behaviors for subsequent evaluation by appropriate medical specialists.

Personal Electronic Health Record System for Autism Families

Elison-Bowers, P., Oberleitner, R., Reischl, U., Sand, J. & Osgood., L. Poster Presentation, 79th AHIMA National Conference, Philadelphia, Pennsylvania. October, 2007


Technologies to Lessen the Distress of Autism

Oberleitner, R, Ball, J, Gillette, D, Naseef, R, Hudnall-Stamm, B Journal of Aggression, Maltreatment and Trauma, Binghamton: Haworth – September, 2005

Abstract: This article explores aspects of autism that make it a potential traumatic stressor for family members and may put them at risk for Post Traumatic Stress Disorder (PTSD) and/or its sub-syndromal variants. It also surveys current trends in autism, including the growing number of families affected by autism. This article then focuses on relevant technology trends being used to mediate or ameliorate aspects of living with autism. This technology includes: telehealth, distance education, information technology, video-conferencing, and computer software.

Remote Autism Evaluations Through Telehealth Technology: 2 Case Studies

5th Annual International Meeting for Autism Research (IMFAR). Montreal, May, 2006

Abstract: Due to limited availability of local professional services, families coping with autism encounter serious obstacles when attempting to access urgent autism services. Families with autism perceived telehealth as a reliable vehicle for accessing specialty care. In addition, the application of the videophone technology demonstrated the practicality of accessing remote resources during a time of emergency.

Merging Video Technology with Personal Health Records to Facilitate Diagnosis and Treatment of Autism

R. Oberleitner; P. Elison-Bowers; J. Harrington; R. Hendren; L. Kun; U. Reischl, JD2H2 Conference, IEEE, Washington DC, April, 2006

Abstract: New video-capture technology will allow parents, schoolteachers, and caregivers to capture a child’s behavior for subsequent evaluation by specialists worldwide even during a time of crisis. Experience in a recent hurricane disaster illustrated the advantages of merging these two entities, especially when addressing the needs of displaced autism families. It is clear that telehealth-based systems can shorten the time for diagnosis, potentially increase diagnostic accuracy, reduce costs, and contribute to an improved status of personal health records.

Connecting Autism Families with Emergency Support (Katrina Families aided by IT/Telehealth Technologies)

Reischl, U, Oberleitner, R, Simper P, Northwest Public Health, Fall, 2006

Abstract: A relief and recovery program called AutismCares, managed by TalkAutism with oversight by Boise State University Center of Health Policy, utilized telehealth and healthcare IT technology to provide services and support. AutismCares has directly assisted more than 150 severely impacted families with shelter, food and counseling support while hundreds more have been supported in other ways.

The Importance of Record Keeping

Oberleitner, R, Abowd, G, April, 2007

Abstract: The benefits of long-term data collection are significant, both for the care of individuals with autism and for the support of the growing research community wishing to build a greater understanding of this vexing condition. Perhaps the records we keep for our children can help us show the world that alternative treatments or pharmaceuticals work or don’t work, or that behavioral treatment should be intensified or changed.

Learn more:   IAN Community Newsletter

B.I. Capture

Hayes, G.R., Kientz, J.A., Truong, K.N., White, D.R., Abowd, G.D., Pering, T. Designing Capture Applications to Support the Education of Children with Autism. Proceedings of UBICOMP 2004: The 6th International Conference on Ubiquitous Computing (September 7-10, Nottingham, England), 2004

Hayes, G.R. and Truong, K.N. Using Wearable Devices to Take Advantage of Environmental Services. IEEE Pervasive Computer Magazine, 2005.

Hayes, G.R., Truong, K.N., Abowd, G.D., Pering. T. Experience Buffers: A Socially Appropriate, Selective Archiving Tool for Evidence-Based Care. In the Proceedings of CHI’05 (April 2-7, Portland, OR, USA), 2005.

Pharkute, S, Oberleitner, R, Laxminarayan, S, Suri, J, Zhang, H (2005) – Telemedicine Application Which Leverages Low Bandwidth Connectivity, Annual Meeting of the American Telemedicine Association, Colorado, April, 2005

Reischl, U., Ball, J., Abowd, G., Oberleitner, R., Elison-Bowers, P., Lockwood, S., Inter-Rater Reliability Using a Behavior Image Web Platform, 6th Annual International Meeting for Autism Research (IMFAR). Seattle, WA, May, 2007

Technical Monograph – B.I. Capture in the Classroom, July, 2007 – BI Capture in the classroom

Case Study Presentation

This presentation describes the observations from case studies using a behavioral medicine store & forward telemedicine platform featuring video clips of children with autism. This platform facilitates the capturing and communication of spontaneous patient behaviors for real-time evaluation, diagnosis, and ongoing treatment of people with autism by appropriate health, education, and family support specialists. The data is captured and stored in a secure, central data repository. A unique feature of the system is its capability to archive and index video and other data for future access and to compare behaviors and treatments over time by clinicians and other researchers. Case studies will reinforce the effectiveness of the platform’s utility to facilitate diagnosis, treatment, and general case management of patients with autism. Such a system will serve as a precursor to further advances in other health information technology applications leading to more effective treatment and the understanding of this disability and other neurological disorders.