School Behavior Assessment Study


The goal of this study is to evaluate the effectiveness and cost difference in using Behavior Imaging vs. traditional practices for evaluating children with special needs in the classroom, training teachers on interventions, and implementing behavior intervention plans.

Behavior Connect is an online portal that enables health and education professionals to remotely interact with students, specialists and other staff members via video, while building a secure library of shareable video and document assets and a continuous record.

The study will be conducted in collaboration with the Marcus Autism Center in Georgia, and will evaluate the use of the technology for assessment of student problem behavior and for assisting staff development – based on caregiver-captured video of child behavior or staff exercises in the classroom. The study will consist of at least 3-9 teachers and 15 students in at least 2-3 different schools, of which Marcus currently consults, that are furthest away from the Marcus experts. The experts at Marcus will use Behavior Connect 2.0, and a special Behavior Capture App in conjunction with the traditional practices in the assistance of said students and their teachers and gather data based on time spent, dollars spent, progress of each student, and teacher’s and Marcus experts’ evaluation of the product.