
Setting Up to Receive Notifications

Notifications are an easy way for a user to stay on top of changes to their clients. If a user has access to a client, they can set up to receive specific notifications for them.  Administrative roles can also be notified of changes to all user roles available in the System Admin window. There is more information about the specifics of the Notification Settings page.


4Setting Notifications Using the Client Selector (User Roles)

1. The user opens the Client Selector.
2. Clicking the pencil icon next to the desired client will open their Notification Settings.
3. The user can then check the checkboxes next to the options they want to be notified of.
4. Pressing save will save the changes and the user will then:
A. Receive an email whenever one of the changes selected occur.
B. Have their notifications tab turn red whenever one of the changes selected occur.

5Setting Notifications Using the System Admin Window (Administrative Roles)

1. The user opens the System Admin window.
2. They then can check the checkbox next to the desired user or client.
3. Going to the Actions tab in the upper left-hand corner and clicking “Configure Notifications” will open their Notification Settings.
4. The user can then check the checkboxes next to the options they wish to be notified of.
5. Pressing save will save the changes and the user will then:
A. Receive an email whenever one of the changes selected occur.
B. Have their notifications tab turn red whenever one of the changes selected occur.

Keywords Feature

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A keyword can be added to any file available with permissions to the user. This feature provides another form of metadata to add to the file. Many users use this feature to add a weight to the file. For example: Severity 1, Severity 2, etcetera. All keywords will be author and timestamped. Keywords can be added to all file types.

Adding a Keyword

1. Clicking the add button next to the section entitled Keywords will open a new window.
+ Organizational keywords will appear in blue at the top of the will appear in blue at the top of the list if any are available.
+ A user’s previously used keywords will be listed under the organizational keywords.
+ If a user has permission to do so, they can create their own custom keywords.
2. Select or create the keywords and click the submit button to add them to the file.

Viewing Keywords

– Added keywords will show up in the window below the section entitled Keywords.
– If a user hovers over a keyword, the name of the author and time it was created will pop-up.

Screen Shot 2016-08-28 at 10.34.55 PMRemoving a Keyword

1. To remove a keyword, click on the “X” next to the keyword’s name.
Please note a user will only be able to remove keywords they are currently adding before the click on the Save button.
2. When creating a copy of the file, a user will have an opportunity to remove all the keywords only at that time.