
Notification Settings

The Notification Settings window pops up after clicking on the actions tab of the System Admin (available for Admins, Group System Admins, and Group Admins)  or the actions tab in the Client Selector (available for Users, Scorers, and Gold Standard Raters). This window allows the Admin the ability to configure what notifications they will receive per user/client.

Prefigured Notifications

When a new user/client is added to the system, they are prefigured with the notifications of the following:
– Add File
– Add Tag/Keyword
– Add Comment/Associated File
– Add Note
This is the case for all users except the Admin themselves. The Admin must configure all notifications for the users for which options they want notifications for.

Available Notification Settings

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1. All/None
2. Add File
3. Tag/Keyword
4. Comment/Associated file
5. Delete File
6. View Client
7. Move File
8. Add Note

Check the boxes for which actions each individual user wants to be notified of. An email will be sent to the user notifying them that an action has occurred as well as turning the Notifications button red on the main toolbar on the site.

Changing a Role of a User

At any point in time, an Admin or a Group System Admin has the option of changing a role of a user.

Admins have the ability to change a user from any role to any new role.
Group System Admins may change a user in their system to any role other than Admin.

— To do this, an Admin or a Group System Admin must access their System Admin.
– After finding the user they’d like to edit, they can click on the pencil icon in the last column associated to that profile.
– Once the “Edit User” window has opened, they can go to the section listed as Role(s). Using the “X” next to their current role will delete it.
– The Admin or Group System Admin can then choose a new role for their user.


*Friendly Reminder: Admins and Group System Admins should make sure that their user is now assigned correctly in their Group Associations according to their new role.
The How to Add a User article shows the required group associations of each role.

Changing a Login Client to a Client: The Login Client’s “Client’s Files” and “Private Files” folders will move into the Client’s portfolio with all of its contents.
*Friendly Reminder: Clients’ portfolios are private and only accessible with permission from the Admin.
Changing a Client to a Login Client: All contents of the Client will move into the “Private Files” folder of the Login Client’s portfolio.
*Friendly Reminder: The Login Client’s portfolio has a “Private Files” folder that is only accessible to users who have permission from the Admin. The “Client’s Files” folder is accessible to users and that particular client to review.