Small Business Innovation Research (SBIR) – Grants for Brain and Behavior Tools
Recognized at the White House by the Small Business Administration in June 2015 for its research accomplishments, Behavior Imaging has support research funded by NICHD, NIMH, and now NIBIB to develop, research and then commercialize technology-based services to transform autism diagnosis, treatment and research. Here are some of the specific initiatives covered in this research.
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Revolutionizing Hospital Care for Autistic Adolescents
/in Autism Diagnosis, NIH-Funded Studies /by developerTransforming Autism Care with Custom Telehealth Embark on a groundbreaking journey with us as we tailor BI’s renowned AssessmentView™ to address a critical gap in hospital care. In partnership with Vanderbilt University Medical Center and a team of leading autism experts, our SBIR project (1R44MH134706 – Transforming Hospitalizations of Autistic Adolescents via a Novel Telehealth […]
Helping At-risk Families in Rural Idaho, Eastern Washington
/in Case Studies, NIH-Funded Studies, NODA Connect™, NODA media page /by willoberleitnerThe University of Idaho Child & Youth Study Center has been collaborating with other autism health professionals on Behavior Imaging’s National Institute of Health (NIH) research grant to explore alternative methods of diagnosing autism spectrum disorder earlier, especially for children in underserved and rural areas. The Center will still accept participants into this program from outlying areas […]
About The NIH SBIR Grant
/in Autism Research, NIH-Funded Studies /by developerSmall Business Innovation Research (SBIR) – Grants for Brain and Behavior Tools Download the Document The National Institutes of Health (NIH) Blueprint for Neuroscience Research is a collaborative effort among the NIH Office of the Director and 15 institutes and centers to accelerate the pace of discovery and understanding in neuroscience research. This Funding Opportunity […]
Current Innovations
/in Autism Research, Behavior Assessment Studies, Education Studies, NIH-Funded Studies, Pharmaceutical Studies /by developerThe ability to start autism screening and diagnosis the same day – which saves an average of 6 to 9 months in earlier diagnosis and earlier intervention – sets the child miles ahead in development. Telehealth holds this same promise for a huge array of health and behavior issues where time is of the essence. […]
Problems We’re Tackling
/in Autism Research, Behavior Assessment Studies, Education Studies, NIH-Funded Studies, Pharmaceutical Studies /by developerThe Critical Need For Telehealth Research There is a pressing need for diagnostic and intervention services to support the rapidly growing population of children with Autism Spectrum Disorders (Autism and Developmental Disabilities Monitoring (ADDM) Network, 2009). Direct observation of the child remains the gold standard practice in diagnosis, assessment, and treatment planning for children with […]
About The Autism Speaks Grant
/in Autism Research, NIH-Funded Studies, Pharmaceutical Studies /by developerTelehealth System to Improve Medication Management of ASD Remotely City: Boise State/Province: ID State/Province Full: Idaho Country: United States Behavior Imaging Solutions (BIS) has developed and successfully demonstrated a unique “telehealth” (or “e-visit”) technology platform called Behavior Imaging® (B.I.). Project would enhance this platform to help doctors more effectively administer evidence-based practice to address the […]
A Novel System for Supporting Autism Diagnosis Using Home Videos: Iterative Development and Evaluation of System Design (Technical Monograph)
/in Autism Research, NIH-Funded Studies /by developerNazneen Nazneen, Agata Rozga, Christopher J. Smith, Ron Oberleitner, Gregory D Abowd, Rosa I Arriaga JMIR mHealth uHealth 2015 (Jun 17); 3(2):e68 Introduction Background and Motivation According to the Centers for Disease Control and Prevention, the prevalence of autism in the United States has been increasing dramatically, from 1 in 150 to 1 in 68 […]
Active Conference Schedule for 2015
/in Autism Research, Behavior Assessment Studies, Education Studies, NIH-Funded Studies, Pharmaceutical Studies /by developerUpcoming: International Autism Research Meeting 2015 (IMFAR) May 13 – May 16 at the Grand America Hotel in Salt Lake City, Utah. Behavior Imaging presentations include: Analysis of Parent Responses to Using a Remote Autism Diagnostic Assessment System (NODA): A remote autism diagnostic assessment system was designed through a series of research studies conducted with […]
Positive Feedback from Clinicians and Researchers at Important Industry Conferences
/in Autism Research, Behavior Assessment Studies, Education Studies, News, NIH-Funded Studies, Pharmaceutical Studies /by developerThroughout this fall, Behavior Imaging has been kept busy with invitations to key conferences in psychiatry (AACAP), education assessment (CCSSO), and disability (AUCD). Principle investigators in ongoing studies on behavior imaging technology and Behavior Imaging executives have presented NIH-backed research, trained investigators, and received a prestigious innovation award while continuing to receive feedback and foster […]
NIH Naturalistic Observation Diagnostic Assessment Project at AUCD
/in Autism Research, Behavior Assessment Studies, News, NIH-Funded Studies, Press Release /by developerThe Naturalistic Observation Diagnostic Assessment (NODA) from Behavior Imaging’s current NIH research project made an impact at the 2013 AUCD conference this month. SARRC’s Director of Research Dr. Christopher J. Smith presented on how NODA is designed to speed up autism diagnostic assessments. Behavior Imaging Solutions’ exhibit also allowed CEO Ron Oberleitner and others to […]
Training Investigators and Expanding Our Apps’ Uses at the AACAP Annual Conference
/in Autism Research, Behavior Assessment Studies, News, NIH-Funded Studies, Pharmaceutical Studies, Press Release /by developerRon Oberleitner, CEO of Behavior Imaging Solutions, has been keeping busy attending several conferences this fall, including the 60th Annual Meeting of the American Academy of Child and Adolescent Psychiatry (AACAP) in Orlando, Florida late in October. At the conference, Ron and his team demonstrated our Med smartCapture App for dozens of doctors, researchers, and […]
Diagnostic Assessment Study
/in Autism Research, Behavior Assessment Studies, NIH-Funded Studies /by developerEarly Results Autism Speaks is co-sponsoring the 2nd International Conference on Innovative Technologies for Autism (ITASD 2014), at the Pasteur Institute in Paris, October 3rd and 4th. This year’s conference will focus on developing and using digital tools to improve the lives of people with autism. Invited to talk, Gregory D. Abowd of Georgia Tech, […]
Doctor-Caregiver Med Management App
/in Autism Research, Behavior Assessment Studies, NIH-Funded Studies, Pharmaceutical Studies /by developerBehavior Imaging Solutions announces the results of its research study funded by an Innovative Small Business grant from evaluating how doctors, patients and caregivers can utilize its Telehealth technology to better monitor the effectiveness of medications prescribed to individuals with autism. The research study involved the development and evaluation of a new mobile device […]
USA Today Covers the Diagnostic Assessment Research
/in Autism Research, Behavior Assessment Studies, News, NIH-Funded Studies, Pharmaceutical Studies /by developerUSA Today Covers the Diagnostic Assessment study to be initiated at SARRC later in 2013.
P.I. Surveys Special Education Stakeholders in Special Behavior Assessment Workshop
/in Autism Research, Behavior Assessment Studies, Education Studies, News, NIH-Funded Studies /by developerAs part of its grant market research activities, PI led a group of education stakeholders (special ed teachers, services, administrators) to evaluate the uses and importance of Behavior Imaging 2.0, include smartCapture – in their classroom environment. More than 20 educators took part in the evaluation. Results to be published shortly. P.I. with Special Educators […]
Related Research to the Diagnostic Assessment phase
/in Autism Research, News, NIH-Funded Studies /by developerHealthDay News is covering research related to diagnosis of autism based on symptoms and other factors. Age of Autism Diagnosis May Depend on Symptoms: Study MONDAY, April 15 (HealthDay News) — Specific symptoms influence the age at which children are diagnosed with autism, according to a new study. Children who displayed only seven of 12 […]
May 2nd Discussion with SARRC research 10-2pm
/in Autism Research, News, NIH-Funded Studies /by developerJoin us May 2nd @ SARRC’s campus to discuss the progress launch of the Diagnostic Assessment Research Study and the Medication Management Project.Meeting starts at 10:00am until 2:00pm SARRC Main Campus: 18th Street, Phoenix, AZ To participate in this forum, please contact the Project P.I. by email at For more information on SARRC, go […]
Behavior Assessment – Using B.I. for ‘Problem Behavior 911′ Service
/in Autism Research, Behavior Assessment Studies, Education Studies, News, NIH-Funded Studies /by developerOne of BIS’ current customers, and NIH Research Partner, was featured in Pennsylvania’s newspaper regarding how they’ve been using (Legacy) Behavior Imaging to advise schools to deal more effectively with Problem Behavior. Using Behavior Imaging for Problem Behavior 911 Service This current NIH research study will study if smartCapture can make this ’911′ service even […]
San Francisco Chronicle Features Diagnostic Assessment Research
/in Autism Research, News, NIH-Funded Studies /by developerBehavior Imaging Solutions’ research was featured in this recent article, focusing on the current collaboration with nationally renowned autism research and treatment centers, including clinical partners at the Phoenix-based Southwest Autism Research & Resource Center and Atlanta-based Marcus Autism Center, and technology partner, Georgia Institute of Technology. –
NIMH Grant
/in Autism Research, NIH-Funded Studies /by developerNIMH awards Behavior Imaging Solutions $2.2 million to study how Behavior Imaging can transform diagnosis and behavior assessments. Visit Research Site
Behavior Imaging Research Demonstrating Effectiveness in Autism Classrooms – Atlanta, GA
/in Autism Research, Behavior Assessment Studies, Case Studies, Education Studies, News, NIH-Funded Studies /by developerIn this NIH funded pilot study, four teachers with varied experience in teaching children with special needs were randomly assigned to eight students each; and asked to provide Functional Behavior Assessments (FBAs) using Assessment View. Results included a 43% reduction in data collection errors.
NIH Study Shows Educators Favor New Behavior Imaging Technology for Understanding and Managing Autism in the Classroom
/in Autism Research, Behavior Assessment Studies, Case Studies, Education Studies, News, NIH-Funded Studies /by developerContact: Brian C. Cronin Phone: 208.439.8493 FOR IMMEDIATE RELEASE 208.724.1959 (BOISE) – In a new study funded by the National Institutes of Health (NIH), educators overwhelmingly embraced Behavior Imaging technology as a means of more effectively treating children with autism. The study’s results are being published at a time when nearly every state in the […]
/in NIH-Funded Studies /by developerResearch reported in this publication was supported by the National Institute Of Mental Health of the National Institutes of Health under Award Number R44MH099035. The content is solely the responsibility of the authors and does not necessarily represent the official views of the National Institutes of Health.