Related Research Studies (2002–2016):
- Smith, C. J., Rozga, A., Matthews, N., Oberleitner, R., Nazneen, N., & Abowd, G. (2016, May 19) Investigating the Accuracy of a Novel Telehealth Diagnostic Approach for Autism Spectrum Disorder. Psychological Assessment. Advance online publication.
- Nazneen, Rozga, A, Smith, C, Oberleitner, R, Abowd, G, Arriaga, G, A Novel System for Supporting Autism Diagnosis using Home Videos: Iterative Development and Evaluation of System Design, JMIR mHealth and uHealth, 2015; 3(2): e68.
- Oberleitner, R, BI Technical Monograph; Comparison of the Remote NODA Assessment Method to the In-Person Gold Standard Assessment Method for ASD – June 2015
- Nazneen FNU (2014). Supporting In-Home Collection and Sharing of Behavior Specimens for Diagnostic Assessment of Children with Autism (unpublished doctoral dissertation), Georgia Institute of Technology, Atlanta, GA.
- Terry, M. (2009). Telemedicine and Autism: Researchers and Clinicians Are Just Starting to Consider Telemedicine Applications for the Diagnosis and Treatment of Autism. Telemedicine and e-Health, 15(5): 416-419.
- Smith, C., Oberleitner, R., S., Treulich, K., McIntosh, R., & Melmed, R. (2009). Naturalistic Observation Diagnostic Assessment- the “NODA” Pilot Project. International Meeting for Autism Research (IMFAR).
- Reischl, U., Oberleitner, R. Telehealth Technology Supporting Symptom Management of Children with Autism, AHFE 2014: Krakow, Poland, July 12-15, 2014
- Oberleitner, R, – Report to US Air Force, Operational Assessment of Store-and-Forward Tele-Consultation for Supervision of Behavioral Therapy in Autistic Spectrum Disorders, Solicitation # F1ATD49141A002, October 11, 2010
- Oberleitner, R., Abowd, G., Suri, J.S. Behavior Imaging®’s Assessment Technology: A Mobile Infrastructure to Transform Autism Diagnosis and Treatment. In M.F. Casanova et al (eds.), Imaging the Brain in Autism. Springer Science + Business Media, New York, NY 2013
- Oberleitner, R., Reischl, U., Lacy, T., Goodwin, M., Spitalnick, J., Emerging Use of Behavior Imaging for Autism, Commun Med Care Compunetics, Springer-Verlag Berlin Heidelberg, December 2010
- Angjellari-Dajci, F., Lawless, W. F., Agarwal, N., Oberleitner R., Coleman, B., Warsi, S., & Kavoossi, M. Telehealth-Based Systems for Diagnosis, Management and Treatment of Autism Spectrum Disorders: Challenges, opportunities and applications. In I. M. Miranda & M. M. Cruz-Cunha (Ed.), Handbook of Research on ICTs for Healthcare and Social Services: Developments and Applications. Hershey, PA: IGI Global. 2013
- Reischl, U., Oberleitner, R., Development of a Telemedicine Platform for the Management of Children with Autism, Zeitschrift für Nachwuchswissenschaftler (German Journal for Young Researchers) 2009/1(1)
- Reischl, U., Oberleitner, R., Colby, C., Hamilton, A., Assessment of Behavior Imaging Technology in the Classroom, Association for Behavior Analysis International, Annual Conference, Phoenix, AZ, 2009
- Reischl, U., Ball, J., Abowd, G., Oberleitner, R., Elison-Bowers, P., Lockwood, S. Inter-Rater Reliability Using a Behavior Imaging Web Platform, 6th Annual International Meeting for Autism Research (IMFAR) Seattle, WA, May 2007
- Elison-Bowers, P., Oberleitner, R., Reischl, U., Sand, J. & Osgood., L. Personal Electronic Health Record System for Autism Families, 79th AHIMA National Conference, Philadelphia, Pennsylvania. October, 2007
- Oberleitner, et al., 5th Annual International Meeting for Autism Research (IMFAR), Remote Autism Evaluation Through Telehealth Technology: 2 Case Studies, Montreal, May, 2006
- Oberleitner, R, Wurtz, R, Popovich, M, Moncher, T, Laxminarayan S, Reischl, U, Health Informatics: A Roadmap for Autism Knowledge Sharing, Medical and Care Compunetics – 2, Ed: Bos, Laxminarayan, Marsh, June 2005
- Oberleitner, R, Pharkute, S, Laxminarayan, S, Ball, J, H. Harrington, R. Naseef , Store-and-Forward Based Telemedicine Platform for Treatment of Autism, Annual Meeting of the American Telemedicine Association, Colorado, April, 2005
- Oberleitner, R, Laxminarayan, S, Suri, J, Harrington, J, Bradstreet J, The Potential of a Store-and-Forward Tele-Behavioral Platform for Effective Treatment and Research of Autism , IEEE – Engineering in Medicine and Biology Proceedings, Sept, 2004
- Oberleitner, R, Laxminarayan S, Information Technology and Behavioral Medicine: Impact on Autism Treatment & Research, Medical and Care Compunetics, IOS Press, June, 2004
- Oberleitner, RM, Ball, J EdD, Gillette, D EdM, Naseef, R PhD, Stamm, B.H. Journal of Aggression, Maltreatment and Trauma; Innovative Trends in Trauma Treatment Techniques. Technologies to Lessen the Distress of Autism, Binghamton: Haworth – April, 2005
*Select publications available upon request.