ascend, behavior, partners, families, first, NODA, telehealth, improved, solutions

Ascend Behavior Partners Puts Families First With NODA

When Jonathan Mueller, a founding owner of Ascend Behavior Partners, thinks about how to improve services to children with autism, he starts with a basic observation.

“Parents want the best for their kids. When they realize that their child has a developmental concern, panic can set in,” says Mueller. “We see a lot of parents incredibly hungry for answers and information.”

But far too many of these families will have to wait for the information they so fervently desire.

“It can take two years from when a parent has concerns to when they get the actual diagnosis,” Mueller points out. “That is exacerbated for families who have Medicaid.”

Delayed Assessment = Delayed Intervention

developmental, trajectory, early, intervention, autism, NODA, behavior

Improved developmental trajectory depends on early intervention.

Experts agree that an improved developmental trajectory depends on early intervention. Knowing this, providers like Ascend aim to identify — and eliminate — the reasons for such long delays. 

“When a family decides to seek help, it’s hard to navigate the system and access the resources. The healthcare world is complex,” Mueller points out. “A major cause of diagnosing delays for families is the shortage of providers – both licensed psychologists and developmental pediatricians.”

The facts bear out Mueller’s conclusion. Autism diagnoses have increased over recent years. In 2012, the prevalence of ASD was one in 68 children; by 2014, it was one in 59. Yet, at the end of 2016, there were only 800 board-certified developmental-behavioral pediatricians. To put it another way, the demand for autism diagnostic services is 18 times the number of providers. To make matters worse, where a family lives can greatly limit their access to providers, and consequently, their treatment options.

“We knew we needed a more efficient way,” says Mueller.

Telehealth: A More Efficient Way

The practice at Ascend Behavior Partners consists mainly of home-based ABA services. Ascend also provides diagnostic evaluations for children with concerns for autism when diagnostic wait-times are a potential barrier to accessing treatment. That practice is led by a licensed psychologist.

“Our goal was to reduce the time from when a parent has a concern to when they have resolution down to 2 months,” says Mueller.

To help them achieve this ambition, Ascend Behavior Partners turned to NODA, Naturalistic Observation Diagnostic Assessment. NODA expedites the assessment process by enabling families to gather behavioral data at home using mobile technology.


“If our psychologists cannot observe the child, they cannot make a diagnosis. They need those behavioral observations,” says Mueller. “And every family – literally everyone – is on smart phones. There’s no reason that everything that we do with doctors cannot be enabled with smart phones and mobile devices.”

By empowering families, NODA gathers observations more efficiently than in-person visits only. And because the observations are acquired in a child’s everyday settings, they are more representative and accurate.

NODA, families, clinicians, assessment, diagnosis, autism

NODA expedites the assessment process by empowering families and clinicians

“If you bring a 2-year-old child into a doctors office, is the psychologist going to see the same behaviors as at home? That’s not the child’s natural environment. The child might have a bad day on testing or not act the same way,” says Mueller. “NODA helps our team see the child in their natural environment.”

Mueller’s experience has convinced him of the potential of NODA.

“We believe NODA plays such a critical role in behavioral observation; it can be done instead of the ADOS.”

Telehealth and the Status Quo

Mueller sees new technologies addressing real problems in a system often resistant to change.

“Let’s put ourselves in our families’ shoes,” says Mueller. “There are outdated health care systems that don’t jive with our 2019 world. For instance, most referrals are still coming in via fax.”

Then there’s the issue of new technologies being embraced by current compliance structures.

HIPAA compliance is a big concern with new technologies. For small practices, that has to be a really well-considered question,” says Mueller.

And as always, there’s the matter of payment through insurance.

“This is a big barrier to a lot of psychologists. At Ascend Behavior Partners, we view NODA as part of the cost of an assessment. Even though insurance does not pay for N

ODA, we think it would be beneficial for insurance companies to include it as a reimbursable expense in provider contracts.”

But despite the barriers to adopting new technologies, Mueller sees great promise.

Telehealth is in the first inning of the ball game. There are great technologies out there. There’s a lot of tools to create a compliance eco-system that’s leveraged by tech,” observes Mueller. “Artificial Intelligence is going to help significantly. We should absolutely use AI applications with text and video recognition.”

However, Mueller is always careful to see new technology as a means to an end.

“Technologies empower providers to make better, more informed decisions that lead to better patient outcomes,” asserts Mueller. “Technology will not replace providers. Doctors and psychologists will always be important.”

Guiding the Journey

Ultimately, technology empowers the families he serves.

“Families with autism are on a journey. They have to advocate for themselves and stay in the driver seat. It can be exhausting,” says Mueller.

For Mueller, technological solutions can make that journey easier for children with autism and their families.

technological, solutions, NODA, diagnosis, autism, families

Technological solutions can make a family’s journey easier.

“Technology can help guide them. It can facilitate follow-up and provide digestible information on what to do next.  It helps us check in on how families are doing,” says Mueller. “Families can take care of themselves better and ameliorate caregiver fatigue.”

For Ascend Behavior Partners, technologies like NODA will help give families the choices they want and deserve.

Provider Reimbursement Progress for Telehealth

It goes without saying that the CPT system of payments and coding is both complex and detailedIt involves payer codes, categories, circumstances of use, and time. This system came from a 1985 Harvard study that created the resource-based relative value scaleThis scale deployed an ongoing method of calculating relative value units for physician services. Many practices utilize a third-party medical billing service to stay compliant and keep up with CMS changes that cycle every two years. 

For 2019, CMS published ninety-nine CPT codes for telehealth services and specifically one new code that is exciting for us at Behavior Imaging in relation to our remote autism assessment tool, NODA (Naturalistic Observation Diagnostic Assessment). This article is an overview of those new codes and other emerging payment options that clinicians can use to expand telehealth services within their practice.  

Direct Pay for Telehealth Services 

One option for telehealth reimbursement is direct pay, wherein families pay the clinics directly for remote health assessment services. Families with health plan deductibles may be able to use the direct payment towards meeting their deductible. 

Behavior Imaging, Provider Reimbursement, telehealth, deductible

Families with deductibles may be able to use the direct payment toward meeting their deductible.

For example, if the family’s plan deductible is $500 and the clinic charges $400 for a NODA assessment, the family direct payment for $400 would apply and meet 80% of their health insurance deductible. This method would allow a clinic to collect the direct payment in full and report the service and billable amount to the family insurer for tracking deductible spending. Of course, this method depends on the individual health plan of the family, but it can be a valuable tool for provider reimbursement. 

Private Insurance Reimbursement

Private insurers follow CMS coding and payment schedules but can also incorporate their own payment schedules based upon needs and various state laws. The process varies by insurer and state. A few states and insurers have been open to emerging methods of evaluation and managementThese progressive thinkers realize the benefits of technology that reduces both costs and wait-times. We suggest checking with the insurance providers in your state about the new and exciting changes outlined in the section below. 

CMS Changes

In June 2017, the CPT Editorial Panel revised five existing codes, added 13 codes to provide better descriptions of psychological and neuropsychological testing, and deleted CPT codes 96101, 96102, 96103, 96111, 96118, 96119, and 96120. The RUC and HCPAC submitted recommendations for the 13 new codes and for the existing CPT codes 96105, 96110, 96116, 96125, and 96127. 

The new coding structure separates billing for the first hour from each additional hour as well as distinguishes between evaluation services and test administration/scoring as follows:  

  • 96101 for psychological testing by a psychologist or physician is replaced by 96130 (first hour) and 96131 (each additional hour) 
  • 96136 for psychological testing evaluation and scoring services (first 30 minutes) and 96137 for test administration and scoring (additional 30 minutes) 

Before the changes took effect on January 1, 2019, both CPT 96101 and CPT 96111 were used widely for Autism assessments.  

ABA Assessment Code

The new ABA CPT code 97151 includes 15-minute billing increments for non-face-to-face analyzing of data as part of the behavior identification assessment. NODA can be incorporated into this assessment method as one of the tools used for evaluation reporting. The above changes are positive changes toward including NODA as one of the tools a clinical professional can utilize and be compensated within their practice. 


provider reimbursement, insurance, telehealth, payment code, progress, telelmedicine

Clinicians can expand telehealth services in their practice.

New Exciting Reimbursement Code to Watch

For CY2019, CMS proposed to make separate payment for remote evaluation services when a physician uses pre-recorded video and/or images submitted by a patient in order to evaluate a patient’s condition through new HCPCS G-code G2010: 

Remote evaluation of recorded video and/or images submitted by the patient (e.g., store and forward), including interpretation with verbal follow-up with the patient within 24 business hours, not originating from a related E/M service provided within the previous 7 days nor leading to an E/M service or procedure within the next 24 hours or soonest available appointment 

The new G2010 code was created with dermatology in mind, and although not specific to psychological testing, the fact that CMS considers this a viable and credible method of evaluation can only hold promise that NODA directly will correlate to expanding this service coverage for reimbursement in other categories.  We hope to establish a working group to share both experience and patient results to CMS resulting in the expansion of this procedure for FY2021. 

Increased Acceptance of Telehealth

New payer codes for telehealth services signal an increased acceptance of remote services and their benefits for both clinicians and patients. As clinics are able to treat more patients using cost-effective and evidence-based telehealth technology, we predict that it will become an essential part of every clinician’s toolkit. 

Behavior Imaging Tools for Training and Supervision

Since starting Behavior Imaging in 2005, our goal has always been to support families living with autism on their journey from diagnosis to care. As autism prevalence rises, the ability to quickly and accurately diagnose a child has become paramount. Families often wait months for an official diagnosis or struggle with lack of access to care. Behavior Imaging technology seeks to remove these barriers. As technology grows and improves, Behavior Imaging tools have developed other uses for training and supervision.


Improvements in the Training and Supervision Process:

    • Teachers and Supervisors can monitor and assess behavior remotely
    • Students and trainees can quickly receive feedback from multiple sources
    • Learning processes are expedited due to time saved

These applications allow supervisors and teachers to turn to technology like Behavior Connect and the Behavior Capture App to bring training and supervision of young clinicians to the next level.


Behavior Imaging Tools in Practice

training and supervision, behavior imaging, autism diagnosis, remote tools

Several military families participated in the study

A study conducted on behalf of the U.S. Air Force Medical Service gives context for how Behavior Imaging’s tools can improve training and supervision. Thirty-three military families with at least one autistic child assessed the effectiveness of the Behavior Imaging online consultation platform. These families used our diagnostic tools to capture behavior remotely. Applied Behavior Analysis supervisors then reviewed the captured footage. According to surveys completed by participating families, the benefits of Behavior Imaging technology included significant time and expense savings, as well as more relevant information communicated both to the caregiver and therapist. 


Technology Enhancing Supervision

While the above study focused on families capturing their children’s behavior, we’ve found that supervisors can just as easily turn the camera around and use these methods to assess clinicians in the field. Using the same tools that families used to document their child’s behavior, clinicians can record their own behavior during a routine procedure or consultation and send to their supervisors for immediate review.

Immediate Improvements for Supervision:

    • Better understanding of complex behaviors by the therapist supervisor
    • More accurate assessments of behavioral trends and progress
    • Multiple supervisors at once can review behavior in an expedited manner

We’re hopeful that supervisors can use Behavior Imaging’s technology to not only to help families, but also to supervise health professionals and help them optimally care for their patients. For a closer look into better therapeutic supervision with Behavior Imaging, we’ve included the video below for further viewing.


A Helpful Solution for Students

Behavior Imaging is a helpful tool for students.

As the healthcare landscape changes and grows, so does the training process for the next generation of medical professionals. Behavior Imaging video-capture technology has the potential to transform the student/teacher relationship in a similar way to the clinician/supervisor relationship. For example, nursing students carrying out protocols such as a routine influenza immunization can capture the procedure using the Behavior Connect platform. These students can then send their data to several different teachers at once who can evaluate the students’ proficiency in the procedure almost immediately. In this way, the learning process is expedited while maintaining the specificity needed to train capable medical professionals entering the field. 


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NODA Smartphone-Based Assessment Expedites Autism Diagnosis

Behavior Imaging recently completed a National Institute of Health-funded research study to compare current in-person autism assessment practices with the NODA smartphone-based method. The research showed that the average total time associated with obtaining an autism spectrum disorder assessment using the in-person method was 118 days. With the NODA method, however, assessment took only 59 days. These research findings indicate that the NODA method decreases the overall time required to complete an assessment while providing acceptable levels of satisfaction for the families involved.

“We are immensely grateful to the experienced diagnosticians from participating sites who used their clinical experience to assess children earlier by the NODA method,” said Ron Oberleitner, CEO of Behavior Imaging and principal investigator of the study.


“Twenty years ago, our family faced a similar challenge. Long wait times at diagnostic clinics led to us going almost two years before confirming our son Robby’s diagnosis. This approach would have been invaluable to help us get an earlier start on Robby’s treatment.”


The NODA Study

From the beginning of January 2017 to the end of March 2018, three autism research sites participated in the project including Emory Autism Center (EAC), Southwest Autism Research and Resource Center (SARRC) and the University of Idaho. Each site invited families from surrounding rural and urban communities who were seeking a developmental evaluation for autism.

A total of 57 families were included in this research study, of which 11 were from rural communities. Traditional in-person assessment was used for 29 families and the NODA method of assessment for the other 28 families. Families filled out two questionnaires about their experience, one after the assessment data was collected and the other three months after receiving a diagnostic report. Survey results showed both assessment methods were comparable in supporting families to get treatment if results were positive for an autism diagnosis.


The Benefits of NODA Software for Autism Diagnosis

Developed by Behavior Imaging, NODA (Naturalistic Observation Diagnostic Assessment) is an evidence-supported autism diagnostic assessment tool available as a software service.  Experienced diagnostic clinicians can use NODA to enable remote autism assessments. The service was commercially developed through a NIMH-funded series of research studies. By expediting a potential autism diagnosis, families can move forward more quickly with their care plan. NODA technology has the ability to bring families closer to the options they need for their child’s development and future. 



Read the full report here.


patient engagement solutions insights care magazine behavior imaging

Behavior Imaging Named Leading Patient Engagement Solution Provider

Insights Care Magazine has been a healthcare solutions hub for years. The magazine has studied the trends shaping the future of the healthcare industry and technology landscape throughout the globe. Technological intervention is changing healthcare on a daily basis. Insights Care provides a platform for doctors and patients to learn about these exciting technological solutions. We’re thrilled to see Behavior Imaging recognized by the magazine as one of the Top 10 Engagement Solution Providers for 2018. The article describes the Behavior Imaging story, provides insight into our unrivaled services, and speaks to a bright future for families.

The Story Behind Behavior Imaging Solutions

Since founding Behavior Imaging in 2005, Ron and Sharon Oberleitner have dedicated their careers to assisting families by improving their accessibility to behavior health treatment. Because of their son’s autism diagnoses in 1996, Ron and Sharon have personally experienced and witnessed the challenges of receiving specialized care. With the CDC (Centers for Disease Control and Prevention) reporting a climbing prevalence in autism diagnosis, families are facing the barriers of distance, cost, and accessibility now more than ever. Through their personal investment and uncompromising commitment to families, Ron and Sharon are helping break through these barriers and close what Behavior Imaging calls the care gap.

insights care behavior imaging patient engagement solution providers

Ron and Sharon Oberleitner at a recent gathering at their home.


Costs and lack of access to specialized providers are the main barriers families living with autism face. The article describes how Behavior Imaging provides an intelligent alternative to long wait times that could negatively affect a child’s development.

patient engagement solutions insights care magazine behavior imaging

Behavior Imaging is one of the Top 10 Patient Engagement Solutions of 2018

“By using smartphones, video capture, and artificial intelligence, behavioral care becomes more efficient and cost-effective for the people who need it most. BI products provide patients and their doctors/clinicians with the solutions for understanding autism and behavior health needs.”

Behavior Imaging works to take behavioral care beyond in-person assessment and treatment into a fully realized technological landscape. And, as the article explores, these services extend beyond family members. Behavior Imaging’s own employees regularly receive outside training pertinent to their position. Each step leads to even better patient engagement.

A Bright Future Ahead

The care gap isn’t the only barrier families face. Change often happens slowly and technological advancements can be met with skepticism. Insights Care spoke to Ron personally about what makes an ideal leader in the face of certain challenges.


“This ideal leader works hard and tirelessly to overcome objections and demonstrate profound benefits through responsible research and compassion for both struggling patients and the well-meaning clinicians who serve them.”


insights care behavior imaging behavior connect treat autism

Ron and Sharon working tirelessly to close the care gap.

Behavior Imaging strives to leave families feeling empowered to take an active role in care. We’re hopeful this recognition by the magazine will empower clinicians with engagement solutions that provide the most helpful information about their patients. This outlook, combined with an active work environment, can only mean a bright future for both families and Behavior Imaging.


Recent Developments in Telehealth and Artificial Intelligence

Telehealth has been expanding for years. We’re seeing more and more primary care providers, hospitals, and medical researchers embracing the option of treating patients remotely. Now, the next generation of telehealth is bringing Artificial Intelligence to the table to help advance healthcare options in a variety of ways. We’re rounding up the latest news in AI and three main advantages are emerging.

  • Accessibility
  • Cost Reduction
  • Long Term Management


The most obvious advantage to Artificial Intelligence in telehealth is the level of accessibility it allows. Patients living in rural areas or those without reliable transportation are lucky to see a doctor once a year. That is hardly the amount of care it takes to treat a short term or long term chronic condition. A recent article from Electronic Component News features a simple observation from primary care physician Lyle Berkowitz,


“Many patients do not have easy access to a brick and mortar facility, but they all have access to a computer or mobile device, so we make it easy for them to use either to connect with us.”

AI Autism Behavior Imaging

Chatbots help connect doctors and patients.


Dr. Berkowitz is part of the MDLIVE Medical Group. The practice is one of the few in the nation handling patients across all 50 states, 24/7, year-round. They’ve developed an AI Chatbot called Sophie that can help register and connect patients with their doctor. MDLIVE is hopeful that in the future Sophie will also be able to help with diagnosis and treatment options. Some practices are even predicting that Artificial Intelligence will bring care and treatment options to developing countries with little to no access to healthcare at all.

Cost Reduction

AI Behavior Imaging Cost Reduction

AI can help reduce medical costs.

Health care spending in the U.S. is a major concern. Evidence shows the U.S. spends more on healthcare than other countries, yet our nation’s health outcomes are often worse. This is largely due to administrative costs and slow intake processes. With AI the future does not have to be so sluggish. Chatbots like Sophie can not only guide new members through the registration process but also help users to recover usernames and passwords. Better yet, Bots can analyze patients’ insurance offerings and make recommendations to suit their needs and coverage.


These are examples of what is called Robotic Process Automation or RPA. This model helps put healthcare organizations’ focus back on patients, enabling them to navigate the intense healthcare ecosystem and find the best possible care options.


Long Term Management

AI Smartphone selfies Behavior Imaging

Smartphone selfies can become powerful diagnostic tools.

Perhaps one of the most promising areas of development in Artificial Intelligence is analysis of long-term diagnoses. With the use of algorithms and predictive analytics, AI can alert clinicians to problems more quickly. Certain algorithms may even be right at our fingertips. Smartphone selfies have become powerful diagnostic tools. We generate millions of terabytes of data every day by simply taking selfies. AI can use that data to provide personalized, faster, and smarter services. A smart phone tool in the UK can identify developmental diseases by analyzing images of a child’s face. It can then match these images to more than 90 disorders to provide clinical decision support. AI makes it easier to sort through all the data. As Brandon Westover, Director of the MGH Clinical Data Animation Center, states:


“…if you have an AI algorithm and lots and lots of data from many patients, it’s easier to match up what you’re seeing to long-term patterns and maybe detect subtle improvements that would impact your decisions around care.”


From chatbots to genomics to remote sensors, we’re getting a sense of what to expect from the future of AI in telehealth.


At Behavior Imaging, we are all too familiar with the autism care gap and the long wait times most families face during or before diagnosis. Lack of brick and mortar facilities contributes to these issues. We’re constantly searching for innovative ways to shorten the gap and limit the wait time. AI’s promise of reduced spending, a focus on the patient, and a streamlined process can mean the world to those families. Especially to a family discovering the complexities of autism and the many care options available. The prospect of adding AI to streamline the process of connecting families with clinicians is incredibly exciting.


We hope to offer our own AI developments in the future




The Challenge of Diagnosing Catatonia in Autism and How Telemedicine Can Help

Once a family receives an autism diagnosis, often it is merely the beginning of a long string of conditions their child will have to battle throughout their life. A recent study found that over 95% of children on the autism spectrum have a co-occurring condition or symptom that can complicate their diagnosis and/or treatment. One condition that can be particularly challenging to diagnose is catatonia. Luckily for physicians and families, telemedicine may be able to meet the challenges of diagnosing this complex disorder.


What is Catatonia?

catatonia autism behavior imaging

Catatonia is a complex neuro-psychological disorder.

Dr. Amitta Shah, a consultant clinical psychologist with over 35 years experience working with patients with autism, describes catatonia as a “complex neuro-psychological disorder, which refers to a cluster of abnormalities in movement, volition, speech, and behavior.” Autism-related catatonia is generally marked by a change in behavior. Common signs include slowing down or freezing during actions, reduction in speech, and an odd or stiff gait. Though an estimated 12-18% of individuals with autism present with varying levels of catatonia, it is a difficult disorder to diagnose and treat. Though catatonia is treatable, if left untreated, catatonia is associated with significant morbidity and mortality.


Late Observance of Symptoms 

One of the biggest challenges of diagnosing catatonia in autism is that the symptoms often overlap with those of an autism diagnosis. This means parents and clinicians should keep an eye out for a change in behavior. It is important to note that the onset of catatonic regression typically occurs at a later age than an autism diagnosis, most often during adolescence and young adulthood.


Misidentified, Misdiagnosed, and Mistreated

Because the symptoms of catatonia may be mistaken for those of autism, the disease is often left entirely unidentified, or misdiagnosed and then mistreated. Another reason for infrequent identification may be due to the fact that symptoms may not present while a child is visiting the doctor. And because these symptoms present gradually, clinicians may simply not be observing or recognizing them.

Catatonia autism Behavior Imaging

Symptoms of catatonia are not always observed at the doctor’s office.


Can Telehealth Help?

For families seeking treatment, it can be frustrating to observe behaviors indicative of a condition that their doctor never witnesses. The solution may lie in telehealth. Remote monitoring technology such as Behavior Imaging can assist behavior specialists in documenting and detecting symptoms of catatonia. Videos of “behavior specimens” can be collected in the patient’s natural environment, and then securely shared between families and providers anywhere in the country. Once clinicians can see the symptoms of catatonia manifesting, they can more accurately and quickly diagnose the disease, allowing families to seek treatment options.

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Behavior Imaging technology can help capture symptoms of catatonia remotely.


Creating a treatment plan after an autism diagnosis is a highly personalized and complicated process. In order to receive the best quality care, an accurate diagnosis of all co-occuring conditions, if any, is also vital. Click here to learn more about how telehealth can help with accurate diagnosis.



Racial Disparity in Autism Diagnoses

Though we have seen a rapid increase in autism diagnoses in recent years, dozens of children are still falling through the cracks and a pronounced racial disparity in autism diagnosis has emerged. A recent study from the Centers for Disease Control and Prevention (CDC) identifies 1 in 59 children as having Autism Spectrum Disorder (ASD). However, despite a 15 percent increase in prevalence, more research shows that less than half the children identified with autism (43 percent) have received comprehensive developmental evaluations by the age of three. Now, research shows even more startling statistics amongst black and Hispanic children.  


White children are consistently diagnosed earlier and more often than children in minority households. This blatant racial disparity directly affects a child’s future when living with ASD. With access to the right resources, clinical professionals can diagnose a child living with autism as early as the age of two. This kind of early detection is key for a child’s treatment and development moving forward. Behavior Imaging is using Telemedicine to prevent these kinds of discrepancies. Learn more about how the numbers really break down and how telemedicine and technology can help us move forward here. 

Contributing Factors  

In a perfect world no child living with autism would go undiagnosed. With access to the right information, parents and clinical professionals can recognize signs of autism in a child’s development. Cognitive delays can surface as early as 12 to 18 months. So, why is this information available to only some families? There are several contributing factors leading to racial disparity in autism diagnoses: 

  • Prohibitive costs 
  • Healthcare accessibility 
  • Lack of dialogue between doctor and patient  
  • Implicit medical bias  

In a recent interview with NPR, Sherry Alvarez spoke out about this kind of implicit bias after her son went undiagnosed for a significant amount of time, “We have to retrain ourselves. It’s not OK to hide our kids.” 

Experience Proves Positive 

Behavior Imaging has been fortunate to be funded by research grants from the National Institute of Health to test if technology can bridge this gap in earlier diagnostic assessment for underserved populations. Our recent study on NODA Autism Diagnosis for rural areas. One native American family who heard about potential warning signs entered the study. Their ability to securely share behavior samples on video clips captured in their home confirmed indicators for autism to a trained diagnostician who was hundreds of miles away.  The family’s diagnosis was expedited as a result.  Witnessing tears of joy after starting helpful early intervention exercises that had almost an immediate positive impact, the grandmother assured us that, without the remote diagnosis tool, they would have been struggling without answers to help her grandchild for years to come.  

We shared this, and 57 other cases involving underserved ‘rural’ families, in a research poster presentation at the annual Telemedicine Service Provider conference in Glendale, AZ in October 2018.  

A Cultural Overhaul

There is more to this issue than cases simply falling through the cracks. It permeates on a deeper, cultural level. In 2007, a study by a team at the Center for Autism and Developmental Disabilities Research and Epidemiology found that African-American children were 5.1 times more likely to be misdiagnosed with various conduct disorders before being diagnosed with autism. Thankfully some clinics are starting to take note of this disparity. Westside Regional Center in Culver City is taking advantage of a grant to investigate their intake and treatment patterns.  

“We’ve implemented a series of trainings with intake counselors on cultural awareness and sensitivity, and we’re starting to have a lot of conversations about biases,” says Tom Kelly, Westside’s chief psychologist.  

However, not all families have access to clinics such as Westside Regional. Options are already limited and, though ASD affects all races and ethnicities, black and Hispanic families seem to experience even more limitations. For these families especially, there is a need for an innovative and accessible answer that helps put an end to racial disparity once and for all.  



INFOGRAPHIC: Autism’s Care Gap


Raising a child with autism comes with enough challenges as it is. Having access to care shouldn’t be one of them. These numbers paint a grim picture for the state of autism care in America.

  • This year, the CDC reported a 15% increase in the prevalence of autism diagnosis from 1 in 68 to 1 in 59 children.
  • The demand for autism treatment 18 times larger than the available supply of caregivers.
  • The American Board of Pediatrics recognized only 800 board-certified Developmental-Behavioral pediatricians at the end of 2016. That’s out of 118,200 pediatricians nationwide.
  • Recent research conducted by Behavior Imaging found that the average total time associated with obtaining an ASD assessment in person was 118 days.

Learn more about the autism care gap and how telehealth technology can help bridge it here.

Autism’s Care Gap: When Resources Don’t Meet Demand

For families of children diagnosed with Autism, choosing the right treatment option can be daunting. For many families, however, the choice is made for them due to limited resources and high demand for care in many areas. For these families, new telehealth technology can help provide access and options they may not otherwise have in their region.

A 15% Increase in Diagnosis

This year, the CDC reported a 15% increase in the prevalence of autism diagnosis from 1 in 68 to 1 in 59 children. Compare this number to data from the American Board of Pediatrics that recognized only 800 board-certified Developmental-Behavioral pediatricians at the end of 2016. That’s out of 118,200 pediatricians nationwide. While the increase in diagnoses most likely reflects an increase in awareness and better diagnosis tools, it doesn’t change the fact that more children are in need of autism diagnosis and treatment than ever before, and there are few specialists to assist them.

Behavior Imaging Autism Geography

1 in 59 children receive an autism diagnosis.

The Link Between Treatment Options and Geography

A recent study found a significant correlation between autism treatments used and where a family lives. Researchers from University of Houston and Baylor College of Medicine collected data from 2,647 families across the United States and in Montreal, Quebec. Children living in the Northeast and Western regions of the United States are more likely to have tried a variety of therapies, compared to children in the South or Midwest who are more likely to be taking medication as treatment. Families reporting use of no treatment came primarily from the South and Montreal.

Behavior Imaging Autism Care and Geography

A recent study found a correlation between autism care and geography.

This information correlates to a Stanford University School of Medicine study regarding access to diagnoses and treatment centers around the country. The study found that 70% of people live within 30 miles of an autism diagnostic center, but the average distance traveled to a center is 50 miles. Once diagnosed, access to therapists is similarly limited, with the demand for treatment 18 times larger than the available supply of caregivers.

This lack of access is even more stark in low-income areas where families on Medicaid face year-long waits to see providers, generally due to low Medicaid reimbursement rates, with South Carolina paying ABA technicians only $17 per hour.

Lack of Access = Lack of Choice

It comes as little surprise, then, that families in Midwest and Southern states would turn to medication over various forms of therapy, because they simply don’t have access to therapists. While there are certainly advantages and disadvantages to all treatment options, in an ideal world, each family would have the full realm of options available to them and the freedom to choose what is best for their child. 

Telehealth Technology Can Help Bridge the Gap

Behavior Imaging NODA diagnosis distance

NODA Autism Diagnosis

At Behavior Imaging, we hope that emerging advances in telehealth technology will help bridge the gap and increase access to autism diagnosis and treatment options. With the NODA diagnosis app, families can skip the months-long wait and long travel times to visit a diagnosis center. Instead, smart phone technology empowers families to send video to trained clinicians and receive a diagnosis within weeks instead of months. Recent research conducted by the Behavior Imaging team found that the average total time associated with obtaining an ASD assessment in person was 118 days, while that time was cut in half to 59 days using the NODA program.

After diagnosis, telemedicine can become a valuable resource for families creating a treatment plan. Behavior Connect is an online portal that connects families and specialists, allowing them to remotely capture, assess, and analyze behavior. Behavior Connect makes it easy to remotely perform world class Functional Behavior Assessments (FBA) and track and manage medication.

Families Deserve Access and Options

Raising a child with autism comes with enough challenges as it is. Having access to care shouldn’t be one of them. Through telehealth technology, we hope that eventually families in all regions of the United States will have access to the care that best suits the needs of their children.