Behavior Imaging Present for Signing of Autism Insurance Legislation

On April 2, 2018, World Autism Awareness Day, Idaho became the 47th state to provide health insurance coverage of autism treatment. Behavior Imaging founders Ron and Sharon Oberleitner have been longtime advocates of more treatment options for families, and attended the signing at Governor Butch Otter’s office with their son, Robby.

R to L: The Oberleitners, the Tierney family, Lt. Governor Brad Little, Lorri Inumb of Autism Speaks, ID Insurance Commissioner Dean Cameron, Strategies 360 Lobbyist Benn Brocksome, ID Insurance Wes Trexter


Robby Oberleitner holds up the signed document.


Behavior Imaging Idaho Autism Insurance Bill

VP of Legal Affairs for Autism Speaks Lorri Unumb chose to be in Idaho on World Autism Awareness Day and was instrumental in helping Idaho advocates gain insurance reform.


“Families around the state will gain coverage they’ve never had before.”

“Autism insurance reform coming to Idaho means so much,” said CEO Ron Oberleitner. “Organizations have recognized the importance of families having access to better health and treatment options that are covered by insurance. Families around the state will gain coverage they’ve never had before.”



In addition to World Autism Awareness Day, the signing of the bill coincides with Behavior Imaging’s  release of a new original song, “If You Shine a Light on Me.” The song is a partnership with musician Ned Evett to bring awareness to the potential for telemedicine to improve autism care. Mr. Evett performed the song at the bill signing.

Behavior Imaging Idaho Autism Insurance Bill Ned Evett If You Shine a Light on Me

Ned Evett performs “If You Shine a Light on Me”

Original Song Aims to Shine a Light on Telehealth and Autism

To raise awareness of the potential of telehealth to improve autism care, Behavior Imaging has partnered with musician Ned Evett to release a new original song and video, “If You Shine a Light on Me.” The song is available on iTunes, and proceeds from downloads will be donated to Autism Speaks, to continue their advocacy and support for individuals with autism and their families. You can also watch the video below.

Download on iTunes HERE or Download on Amazon HERE


Telehealth and Autism

Telehealth is the use of electronic information and telecommunications technologies to support long-distance clinical health care. Telehealth technology can help overcome the obstacles of distance, access to specialists, and cost, so families and autism experts can work together to greatest success. The song and video are launching on World Autism Awareness Day 2018 to raise awareness not only for autism itself but also for a potential avenue of vastly improving autism care in the near future.


We have always been passionate that telehealth could help our kids be diagnosed earlier and help families access treatment easier.


“We have always been passionate that telehealth could help our kids be diagnosed earlier and help families access treatment easier,” said Ron Oberleitner, CEO and Founder of Behavior Imaging. “I believe Ned’s beautiful song will help shine a light on the health needs and the special gifts of children with autism and their amazing caregivers and experts.”


About Ned Evett

Ned Evett is a singer, songwriter, and one of the world’s foremost fretless guitarists. He has toured the United States, Europe, Canada, England, Ireland, Mexico, and Australia including a world tour with Grammy-nominated artist Joe Satriani. Also an illustrator and animator, Ned chose to apply his unique set of skills to this project because of his belief in the potential of telehealth to improve autism care.

“We all have a smartphone in our pocket that is capable of fantastic feats,” said Evett. “It seems clear that we must harness that technology to help individuals with autism and their families. Once I knew about the need for telehealth solutions, I knew I wanted to help spread the word.”


Learn more about autism and telehealth with Behavior Imaging’s remote autism diagnosis tool, NODA.

Technologies to Lessen the Distress of Autism

By Ron Oberleitner, CEO – Behavior Imaging


This blog shares a title with a paper my colleagues and I wrote and published in Journal of Aggression, Maltreatment & Trauma Vol. 12, No. 1/2, 2006. In it, we explored aspects of autism that make it a potential traumatic stressor for family members and may put them at risk for Posttraumatic Stress Disorder (PTSD). It has been 11 years since our paper was published (actually, the paper was written in 2004), and trauma and distress from autism is still prevalent, although aspects of what is considered autism today is proving to be more varied. In this post, I would like to summarize that paper and update some of its findings to 2017.


Increased Autism Incidence

The last few decades have seen an explosion in the frequency of autism-related disorders. In the 1970s, the incidence was estimated at 1 in 5,000 births (Gerlai, 2004). In 2000, the number was up to 1 in 149 births (Centers for Disease Control and Prevention, 2000). Most recently, on March 27, 2014, the Centers for Disease Control and Prevention (CDC) released new data on the prevalence of autism in the United States. This surveillance study identified 1 in 68 children (1 in 42 boys and 1 in 189 girls) as having autism spectrum disorder (ASD).



Lack of Resources

While the incidence of autism has risen precipitously in the last decade, one thing hasn’t changed much. It is still enormously expensive to provide ongoing education and therapy for autistic children. One proven treatment for autism is early and intense educational intervention. However, for many parents, that intervention is cost and/or distance prohibitive. In some areas, there are few or no options for after-school care or babysitting.


Families at Risk

The increased incidence of autism paired with an ongoing dearth of professional resources means that families often wait for weeks or months for an appointment and must travel to the nearest major medical center for care, sometimes over great distances. As they wait for meaningful care and instruction, the family faces a host of risks.


In the paper, we said:

The constant vigilance to protect one’s child, one’s family, and one’s partner as well as one’s self can leave parents irritable and on edge indefinitely. These symptoms may cause clinically significant problems in daily social and occupational functioning, both from the perspective of PTSD and other physical and mental/behavioral health perspectives.


How autism puts the family at risk:

  • Chronic depletion of resources
  • Preexisting vulnerabilities may rekindle
  • Hyperactivity/lack of sleep
  • Feelings of loss
  • Harmful and/or unpredictable behaviors
  • Environment of captivity/isolation
  • Risk for family violence
  • Lack of understanding by the general public
  • Risk of marital conflict or divorce


Families need more frequent, convenient, and affordable access to autism care professionals to minimize the risk of trauma. For most of my career, I have focused on meeting that need with technology.


Technology to Address Distress

As a starting point around 13 years ago, we looked at the emerging technology categories impacting medical care and special education that were trending in 2004. Technology categories such as telehealth (aka telemedicine), teletherapy, electronic health records, online communication platforms, computer instruction software, and augmentative communication devices, and distance learning were all in relative emerging stages. Several of these have since become ubiquitous, and some are just hitting now as a sensible use of technology to increase access to care.



Telehealth and Autism

In the paper, we defined telehealth as “the use of electronic information and telecommunications technologies to support long-distance clinical health care.” Today, the potential for telehealth to become the standard of care is greater than ever. Everyone carries powerful technology that can be a vehicle for healthcare – a smart phone. Powered by smart phones, telehealth can help individuals with autism around the globe get diagnosed faster and have access to more affordable ongoing treatment. (In the case of Behavior Imaging, we have shown that it can be 40 percent cheaper and 100 percent faster.) Since this paper, millions of dollars have now gone towards researching value of Telehealth. Conditions are right for this type of behavioral healthcare to take over.


Smartphone cameras can capture autistic behaviors as they happen. Autism experts can review footage remotely and provide recommended interventions. Parents and caregivers can review video lectures or take online courses to improve their care. Families that are isolated in rural areas could plug into a host of resources via our current proliferation of information technology. As we said in the initial paper, “Information technology can increase communication, speed research, and coalesce different groups’ efforts to support families and advocate for changes in the caliber of care and services.” The time has come to harness this incredible potential for autism care.



An Exciting New Direction for Autism Diagnosis and Treatment

Telehealth is not a magic wand that will make autism go away, but it can provide resources that help reduce distress in the lives of people with autism and their families. It is an exciting new direction for the medical industry that could usher in a new era of more frequent, convenient, and affordable care. New and now readily accessible technology categories that did not exist in 2006 (examples like cloud computing, virtual reality, intelligent robots, use of big data, and AI or deep learning) are now readily available and will only accelerate the ability for families, and their loved ones with autism, to get the healthcare access they need, regardless of how severe their disability or where they live.


To me, the most exciting times are ahead.


Behavior Imaging Named Top 10 Patient Engagement Solution Provider

Behavior Imaging, an emerging leader in behavioral healthcare through technology, has been named one of Healthcare Tech Outlook‘s Top 10 Patient Solution Providers of 2017.


Patient Engagement Solutions

Each year, technology plays a bigger and bigger role in the healthcare industry. Many new technologies are aimed at increasing patient engagement, however, not all providers offer the necessary solutions to encourage patients to engage in taking an active role in their health. Healthcare Tech Outlook’s panel of professionals chose providers that offer fully integrated platforms. Behavior Imaging is honored to be among those named.


Behavior Imaging is honored and excited to be included on this list. The patient is our highest priority, and we thank Healthcare Tech Outlook for recognizing our company.

-Ron Oberleitner, CEO

Behavior Imaging

Behavior Imaging develops solutions to facilitate the observational, analytical and collaborative needs of behavioral healthcare and special education professionals. Our technology allows for collaboration and consultation between patients and professionals through video capture and a secure health record application that allows users to store, share, and annotate video files.  The technology is easy for patients, families, and specialists to engage with.

Click here to read the full story from this special issue of Healthcare Tech Outlook.


The Power of Behavior Connect

Fewer Miles, Meaningful Outcomes

Fewer miles travelled. More meaningful outcomes. That's the power of Behavior Connect.

The average person lives approximately 50 miles from the nearest autism diagnostic center. Instead of traveling to and from a treatment or diagnosis center, families can now receive treatment from the comfort of their own home. Fewer miles traveled means more meaningful outcomes, that’s the power of Behavior Connect.

Three Easy Steps

Using behavior connect is as easy as 1-2-3

1. Capture

Capture your child’s behavior at home on your smart phone using the Behavior Capture App.

2. Assess

Specialists perform world-class Functional Behavior Assessments (FBAs) from a remote location.

3. Analyze

Clients, specialists and other staff members, build a library of shareable assets and a continuous health record. The Behavior Connect platform provides professionals with a unique set of tools to provide the best care plan possible.

Functionality of Behavior Connect

Behavior Connect offers:

  • A client centric, role and permission based system
  • A shared digital library
  • The ability to annotate videos
  • Digitized documents
  • and more, see all the benefits here.


Behavior Connect is HIPPA/FERPA Compliant

Behavior connect is secure and HIPPA/FERPA Compliant, using 256-bit SSL encryption. All users have a unique user ID and require a valid user ID and password to log in to the application, and the site-designated administrator grants access privileges to a user based on the roles assigned to the user.



Watch Dr. William Hazel talk about using Behavior Connect.



Behavior Imaging‘s mission is to revolutionize mental health treatment, research, training, and administration through the use of behavior imaging technology. Learn more about Behavior Connect


Ron Oberleitner will join the Florida Association for Behavior Analysis panel


On October 7, CEO Ron Oberleitner will join the Florida Association for Behavior Analysis panel, ‘Successful Technology Implementation in Behavioral Healthcare.’

Dr. Gwen Mitchell will be presenting on NODA

Dr. Gwen Mitchell will be presenting on NODA at the Pacific Rim International Conference on Disability and Diversity next month. Her presentation, “Autism Diagnosis in the Child’s Natural Setting” is on October 9th at 1:40pm.


Dr. Mitchell is a professor at the University of Idaho’s Center on Disability and Human Development where she directs the clinical services and interdisciplinary training programs. Her teaching cognate includes disorders of childhood and adolescents, and leadership education in neurodevelopmental disorders. The majority of her direct service work is in assessment of neurodevelopemental disorders. Dr. Mitchell is also a school psychologist and works directly with two K-8 schools and the Idaho Virtual Academy in Moscow, ID.

Addressing Racial Bias in Autism – Helping Spanish-speaking families

BIS has been fortunate to receive an additional NIH research award to study if the NODA diagnostic assessment service could be an equalizer of sorts for underserved communities who suffer even more frustration when seeking a diagnostic assessment for their at-risk children. We are already working with 4 dedicated clinical sites to study the impact on NODA as a telehealth option for  ‘Rural families’; this additional NIH award helps us research value to the growing Spanish-language families.

This award will help us translate the current NODA app, connect families to bilingual clinicians EARLIER, and then issue written diagnostic assessments and Recommendations in the family’s native language. We’ll then evaluate if U.S.-based Spanish-speaking families who are seeking autism diagnostic assessments with ‘NODA Autismo‘ would experience improved access over the conventional access to diagnostic assessment for autism. Stay tuned.

Here’s a recent article that further validates the need for new approaches to overcome disparities for research and healthcare access associated with autism – ‘Autism Research’s Overlooked Racial Bias’.



Connecting Brain Health and B.I.

Our CEO is joining other nationally-renowned speakers at the December 6-7th SharpBrains Virtual Conference 2016. Ron Oberleitner will join 40 world-class experts and innovators to discuss leading-edge insights, tools and initiatives to “Reinvent Brain Health in the Digital Age.”

Our company’s talk is entitled ‘Better Ways of Assessing Brain Health for People with NeuroD_____ Conditions’. Ron will discuss why and how Brain Health of our loved ones and friends who have either NeuroDevelopmental (e.g. autism) or NeuroDegenerative health conditions (e.g. Alzheimers, Dementia) can be best understood, and thus better treated, using ‘imaging’ tools like Behavior Imaging to connect patients from their natural environments to expert doctors and researchers, who could be anywhere in the world. Talk will share examples of B.I.’s evidence-supported research to validate how this already happening.

You can register for this ‘virtual’ conference by going to the  Summit website, and note there is 35%-off promotional code: sharp35

Better Behavior Interventions Through Video Technology (Central PA)

One of Behavior Imaging’s partners CAIU (Harrisburg, PA) has been meticulously documenting the benefits of using Behavior Imaging to facilitate their Behavior Intervention consulting services around certain rural regions of Pennsylvania– remotely as needed.

In one case study, they documented an annual savings of $12,000 per student vs in-person consulting services to effectively guide select students with autism, with the use of Behavior Capture in the classroom – and using Behavior Connect to analyze and guide teachers with intervention plans.

Read news coverage here:

The Sentinel – Behavior Intervention Consulting in Rural Pennsylvania